CNS and GaTech e-mail distribution lists
Please subscribe/unsubscribe yourself to/from the lists of interest to you.
For example,
to subscribe to Georgia Tech
nonlinear science seminars, login into
(use either you GTid, or type in the full external email
address) and add yourself to the list
However, if you are CNS student or faculty, add yourself to either of
instead. You will be automatically included in
cns-seminar mailings as well.
If you cannot login (in 2023 GaTech OIT broke that)
subscribe to - let's say - cns-seminar (or any other list on this homepage) via email
- Send an email to sympa@lists.gatech.edu with the Subject: subscribe cns-webinar
- Once sent, you should receive an email that include a verification code and requesting you to respond to confirm that you want to subscribe to the list.
- Reply to that email (no extra message needed) then you will get another email confirming that you're subscribed to the list.
- To unsubscribe, send an email to sympa@lists.gatech.edu with the Subject: unsubscribe cns-webinar
To distribute an announcement to the appropriate list, send it
(using as the sender address your email in the list, if GaTech adress
YourGTid@mail.gatech.edu) to:
where the distribution_list is one or several of the following
- chaosbook Please subscribe/unsubscribe yourself to/from this list if
interested in receiving regular ChaosBook.org webbook and related courses
updates (check back - to be configured)
- cns-chaosbook ChaosBook.org announcements (infrequent)
The following lists are automatically included in cns-chaosbook mailings:
sympa list maintenance (internal to CNS)