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Introduction to
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
svn: $Author: domenico $ - $Date: 2006-05-04 15:21:55 -0400 (Thu, 04 May 2006) $
Course Schedule
- January 10
1. A brief history of motion in time
Reading: Chapter 1; Chapter 2, sections 2.1-2.3
Optional reading:
ChaosBook.org Brief history of chaos
might amuse you.
- January 12
2. Vector fields
and flows -
Reading: Chapter 2
Problem set 1:
2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.7, 2.2.11, 2.4.7,
- January 16
Institute holiday - MLK Day
- January 17
3. Bifurcations in one-dimensional systems
Reading: Chapter 3
- January 19
4. Bifurcations in one-dimensional systems
Reading: Chapter 3
Problem set 2:
2.7.3, 2.8.6,
3.1.2, 3.2.2, 3.4.4,
- January 24
5. Bifurcations in the presence of
symmetry -
Reading: Chapter 3
- January 26
6. Imperfect bifurcations
Reading: Chapter 3
Problem set 3:
3.4.11, 3.5.8, 3.7.5,
(solutions by Daniel Borrero)
- January 31
7. Flows on the circle -
Reading: Chapter 4
- February 2
8. Two-dimensional systems -
Reading: Chapter 5, sections 5.1, 5.2
Problem set 4:
4.1.5, 4.3.1, 4.4.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.4,
4.3.2, 4.5.3
(solutions by Chris Malec)
- February 7
9. Two-dimensional systems -
Reading: Chapter 5, section 5.3
- February 9
10. Phase plane analysis -
Reading: Chapter 6, sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3
Problem set 5:
5.1.9, 5.2.2, 6.1.2, 6.3.10,
(solutions by Daniel Borrero)
- February 14
11. Phase plane analysis -
Reading: Chapter 6, sections 6.4, 6.5, 6.6
- February 16
12. Conservative Systems -
Reading: Chapter 6, section 6.5
Problem set 6:
6.3.12, 6.5.8, 6.5.9, 6.5.10, 6.5.12,
(solutions by Chris Malec,
phase portrait from problem 6.5.12,
problem 6.5.10 )
- February 21
- lecture by R. Grigoriev
13. Pendulum, index theory -
Reading: Chapter 6, sections 6.7-6.8
- February 23
- administered by R. Grigoriev
14. Midterm exam
(solution, part 1 by Domenico Lippolis)
- February 28
15. Limit cycles -
Reading: Chapter 7, sections 7.0-7.3
- March 2
16. Relaxation oscillators -
Reading: Chapter 7, section 7.5
Optional reading:
ChaosBook.org chapter
Get straight,
section 7.3
illustrates simplification of a mechanical dynamical system
by linear scalings and nonlinear time and space reparametrization.
Problem set 7: 6.7.4, 6.8.12, 7.1.6, 7.2.6, 7.5.3;
the 2-d system
part 2 of the
midterm exam
(solutions by Danny Caballero,
problem 6.8.12.c )
- March 7
17. Nonlinear oscillators and averaging -
Reading: Section 7.6
- March 9
18. Nonlinear oscillators and averaging -
Reading: Section 7.6
Problem set 8:
[pink: extra-points problem for everybody]
(solutions by Danny Caballero)
- March 14
- lecture by R. Grigoriev
19. Bifurcations in two dimensions -
Reading: Chapter 8, sections 8.1, 8.2
- March 16
- lecture by R. Grigoriev
20. Hopf bifurcation -
Reading: Chapter 8, sections 8.2, 8.3, 8.4
Problem set 9:
[pink: extra-points problem for everybody]
(solutions , problem 8.4.3 , Problem 8.2.3: we can see from Matthew Massengill's plots (mu less than 0 , mu=0 , mu>0 ) that, no matter what happens, there is never a stable limit cycle enclosing the region of interest, therefore the Hopf bifurcation cannot be either sub- or supercritical, it has to be degenerate.)
- March 20-24
Midterm recess
- March 28
21. Josephson junction/driven pendulum
problem -
Reading: Chapter 8, section 8.5
- March 30
22. Quasiperiodicity and Poincare maps -
Reading: Chapter 8, sections 8.6, 8.7
Optional reading (not required in the course): the
damped driven pendulum, Tomas Bohr's notes.
Problem set 10:
[not Strogatz]:
Consider the system
dx/dt = a,
dy/dt = b,
where both x and y are defined mod 1.
a) Define a Poincare' section and compute the corresponding Poincare' map.
b) Using the map, determine the type of trajectories for different
values of a and b.
[pink: extra-points problem for everybody, catch-up opportunity]
(solutions by Adam Perkins and TA's,
problem 8.7.A)
- April 4
23. Chaos rules -
material covered in the class is not in Strogatz
Optional reading (not required in the course):
How Dame Mary L. Cartwright discovered chaos in 1940's.
- April 6
24. Lorenz chaotic attractor -
Reading: Chapter 9, section 9.2
Problem set 11:
[pink: extra-points problem for everybody]
(solutions by Adam Perkins)
- April 11
25. Chaos -
Reading: Chapter 9
- April 13
26. Chaos -
Reading: Chapter 9.3, 9.4, 9.5
material covered in the class, but not in Strogatz:
today's lecture,
related ChaosBook pages,
Play: run R. Grigoriev's matlab simulations of the Rossler system:
reduction to
2D and 1D maps and stretching of phase space
Problem set 12:
from ChaosBook -
from Strogatz (you can modify Grigoriev matlab codes, or write your own) -
[pink: extra-points problems for everybody]
(solutions by Rytis Paskauskas)
- April 18
27. One-dimensional maps -
Reading: Chapter 10.1, 10.2
Optional reading (not required in the course):
Universality in chaos (or, Feigenbaum for cyclists),
Zakopane School of Theoretical Physics lectures,
by P. Cvitanović,
Acta Phys. Polonica A65, 203 (1984).
These lectures are an introduction to the reprint selection
in Chaos (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1989), with highly readable papers by
E.N. Lorenz,
M. Henon,
R. May,
M.J. Feigenbaum, and others.
- April 20
28. Universality -
Reading: Chapter 10.3, 10.4, 10.6, 10.7
Problem set 13:
[pink: extra-points problems for everybody]
(solutions by Daniel Borrero)
- April 25
29. Fractals -
Reading: Chapter 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4
Problem set 13 due in class
- April 27
30. Strange attractors -
Reading: Chapter 12.1, 12.2, 12.3
Friday Apr 28
classes end
- Wed, May 3
8:00 - 10:50 in Howey S204:
final exam
(solutions by Predrag Cvitanović and
Domenico Lippolis)
(Closed book, on material covered in
lectures 15 to 30)
Course Instructor Opinion Survey
Please fill out the online
Course Survey. This is an
opportunity to provide feedback regarding the contents of the course, the
style and quality of the presentation, or any other aspect of the
course. Tell us what you liked and what you did not like. Your input is
very valuable and will benefit students taking this course in subsequent
The final song:
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
(mp3 - courtesy of Stephen Hsu)

grades deadline Mon, May 8
Predrag Cvitanović