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Introduction to
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
svn: $Author: predrag $ - $Date: 2007-06-11 09:54:53 -0400 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) $

Course Schedule
Part I: Complex motion, unusual geometry
- January 9
1. A brief history of motion in time
The introductory lecture (as well as many to follow) will complement the
material covered in the textbook.
Reading: Chapter 1
Optional reading:
overheads (first lecture pictures)
ChaosBook.org Brief history
of chaos
might amuse you.
- January 11
Fractal objects
Lecture will complement the material covered in the textbook.
Reading: all of Chapter 2 except sections 2.2.2, 2.2.3
Problem set 1:
2.1, 2.8, 2.15,
- January 15
Institute holiday - MLK Day
Part II: Introductory concepts
- January 16
3. Regular motion
- Reading: Chapter 3,
3.1, 3.2
- January 18
4. Regular motion
- Reading: Chapter 3,
3.3, 3.4, 3.5
Problem set 2:
3.1, 3.2,
- January 23
5. Regular motion
- Reading:
Chapter 3, section 3.5.2
- January 25
6. Driven motion
- Reading:
Chapter 4, sections 4.1, 4.2;
Appendix A.1.1
Problem set 3:
- January 30
7. Driven motion
- Reading:
Chapter 4, section 4.3;
Appendix A.1.2
- February 1
8. 2- and 3-d flows and maps summarized
- Reading: Chapter 4, sections 4.4 - 4.8
Optional reading:
analytic example (not in the book)
Problem set 4:
4.5, 4.8, 4.9, 4.11,
Part III: Investigation of chaotic motion
- February 6
9. Chaos in dissipative systems
- Reading: Chapter 5, sections 5.1, 5.2
Optional reading:
Game of pinball (grateful for any suggestions
how to improve this, edits, ...)
- February 8
- guest lecture by
Rytis Paškauskas
10. Baker map
- Reading: Chapter 5, sections 5.3-5.2.2
Problem set 5
bonus problem 27.2
- February 13
11. Homoclinic tangle
- Reading: any other book, for example Ott or
scholarpedia.org (if you find something good, let me know)
- February 15
12. Lozi map
- Reading: Chapter 5,
5.2.4 - 5.2.6 (skip section 5.2.3)
Problem set 6
(solutions, preliminary)
- February 20
13. Universality in chaos
- Reading: Chapter 5, section 5.3
- February 22
14. Midterm
reading list
-- problem 1
-- problems 2,3 and solutions
No problem set this week.
- February 27
- NOTE: 9:15am undergrads meeting
15. Universality in chaos
- Reading: Chapter 5, section 5.3;
Universality in transitions to
[2p. per page version]
(grateful for any suggestions
how to improve this, edits, ...)
- March 1
16. From 3d flows
to 1d maps
- Reading:
Rossler system
Problem set 7: exercises
1, 2, 4,
bonus points for all:
exercise 5. Compute stability eigenvalues of the two equilibria.
exercise 7. Intrinsically parametrized Rossler map (a good solution set
goes straight into ChaosBook.org)
Do not copy Rytis - do your own, it will be simpler.
- March 6
17. Return maps, period doubling
- March 8
18. Measures of chaos
- Reading: Section 5.4, skip 5.4.3, 5.4.6
Problem set 8,
exercise 26.1
- March 13
19. Natural measures
- Reading: Section 5.5
- March 15
20. Measures of chaos
- Reading: Chapter 5, p. 186, box 5.6; skip sections 5.6, 5.7
Transporting densities, sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
Problem set 9:
bonus-points problem for everybody:
exercise 9.5
(solutions ,
solution to 9.5)
- March 19-23
Midterm recess
- March 27
21. Transient chaos
- Reading: Chapter 6, section 6.1, 6.2, 6.3; skip fractal dimensions
parts, as well as section 6.3.3
- March 29
22. Horseshoes
- Reading: Chapter 6, sections 6.4, 6.5
Problem set 10:
6.1, 6.2,
- April 3
23. Putting order into chaos
- Reading: Qualitative dynamics, for pedestrians,
sections 11.3, 11.4
Optional reading: How Dame Mary L. Cartwright discovered chaos in 1940's.
- April 5
24. Conservative chaos
Reading: Chapter 7, sections 7.1, 7.2
Problem set 11:
11.1, 11.6,
bonus-points problem for everybody:
solution to 11.7)
- April 10
25. Combinatorics, prime cycles
Reading: Chapter 7, section 7.3
- April 12
26. Standard map, diffusion, KAM
Reading: Chapter 7 - read section 7.4, but skip the algebra;
sections 7.5, 7.6, 7.7
Problem set 12:
11.7 (well executed parts (b) and (f)
might earn bunch of bonus points
and your immortalization in ChaosBook.org);
7.2, 7.4,
bonus-points problem for everybody:
how to contribute figures to ChaosBook.org
- April 17
27. Chaotic scattering
- Reading: Chapter 8, sections 8.1, 8.2, skip the rest
Optional reading: high school geometry version
- April 19
28. Turbulence
- April 24
29. Nonlinear locomotion, nonlinear heart
- No reading: decerebrated frogs, giant squids and
dog hearts
take-home final exam
- Reading: Turbulence?
Demo of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky simulations, by
Ruslan L. Davidchack
- April 26
30. Brain: do not leave home without it
- No reading, freebie lecture:
- "Decoding Neural Signals for the Control of Movement", by
Solla, Rebesco, Miller and Hatsopoulos
- Friday Apr 27
classes end
take-home final exam
due no later than
10:50am Thu, May 3
delivered either to Jonathan or Predrag, 5th floor Howey
(solution by Matt Marshall)
Course Instructor Opinion Survey
Please fill out the online
Course Survey. This is an opportunity
to provide feedback regarding the contents of the course, the style and
quality of the presentation, or any other aspect of the course. Tell us
what you liked and what you did not like. Your input is very valuable
and will benefit students taking this course in subsequent years.

grades deadline Mon, May 7
Predrag Cvitanović