Monday February 28, 2005, 11:00 AM, N110 Howey
Singular Surfaces: breakup, collapse & entrainment
Wendy Zhang
Surface tension can cause a deformed liquid drop to break into
several droplets. A fluid interface subjected to external stresses
spontaneously forms sharp points and thin, extended filaments and
sheets. We examine two examples of singularity formation on the fluid
interface: the breakup of a water drop in oil and the steady-state
entrainment of water by oil. We show that the singularity-formation
dynamics in these two systems are very different from previously
studied situations, in which the dynamics near a surface singularity
becomes scale-invariant and independent of large-scale conditions.
In both examples here, conditions on the largest
length- and time-scales have a significant effect on the dynamics
near the singularity without destroying scaling behavior.