--ALL LECTURES Thursday at 11:00AM
in Conference Room N110 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED
01/09 |
P.K. Yeung, School of Aerospace Engineering, GT
Studies of turbulence scaling by direct numerical simulations
01/16 |
Itai Cohen, Harvard
Scaling Dependence on the Fluid Viscosity Ratio
in the Selective Withdrawal Transition
01/23 |
Divakar Viswanath, University of Michigan
Symbolic dynamics for the Lorenz attractor and for a resonayes in the solar system.
01/30 |
Kresimir Josic, University of Houston
Phase synchronization in chaotic systems
01/30 |
Mitchell G. Moore, University of Texas at Austin Unsteady Growth and Relaxation of Viscous Fingers
02/13 |
Thomas Prellberg, Technische Universitat Clausthal, Germany
Spectral Analysis of Transfer Operators associated with Intermittency
02/17 |
Marcos Saraceno, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Classical decays in open quantum maps (CANCELLED)
02/18 |
Keng-Hwee Chiam, Caltech, Pasadena
and transport properties of spiral defect chaos in convection
02/20 |
Gennady Cymbalyuk,
Department of Biology, Emory
Dynamical behaviors of the leech heart interneurons
03/06 |
03/10 |
Philippe Jacquod, Leiden University
Quantal Andreev Maps: A New Paradigm of Quantum Chaos in Superconductivity
03/13 |
Arshad Kudrolli, Clark University
Vortices, Clustering, and Segregation Dynamics in Granular Materials
03/20 |
Nikolai Rulkov, University of California, San Diego Modeling of chaotic bursting activity with 2-D map-based models
03/27 |
Gemunu Gunaratne, University of Houston
How to Find Out When Bones May Break
04/03 |
M. Raymond Flannery, Georgia Institute of Technology
Collision Processes In Ultra Cold Rydberg Plasmas
04/14 - 11AM |
Jerry Gollub,
Haverford College and University of Pennsylvania
Phase synchronization in chaotic systems
04/17 - 11AM |
Tom Osborn,
University of Manitoba
How quantization
creates curvature in magnetic phase space
04/17 - 2PM |
Boris Malomed, Tel Aviv
Stable Spinning Optical Solitons in Three
04/24 |
Felix Izrailev
Ballistic Scattering in Waveguides with Corrugated Surfaces.