Colloquia and Seminar Series
CNS meetings go home Colloquia Series Current Frontiers Condensed Matter Seminar
  Nonlinear Science Seminars

--ALL LECTURES Thursday 11:00 am in Conference Room N110 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED


01/08 First Day of Class
01/15 Edward White, Case Western
Transient Disturbance Growth in Boundary Layers
01/22 Charles M. Jaffe, Chemistry, West Virginia U.
Tunneling through phase space barriers with application to the isomerization of hydrogen cyanide
01/29 Ned Corron, U.S. Army RDECOM
Information Flow in Chaos Control and Synchronization

02/12 Please note change in building and room: Bldg.-Skiles, RM 269 Thomas Prellberg, Technische U. Clausthal, Germany
Cluster Approximation for the Farey Fraction Spin Chain
02/19 Benjamin Shapiro, U. Maryland
Modeling and Control of Micro Flows for Bio-Medical MEMS Applications
02/26 No seminar

03/8 - 03/12 SPRING BREAK - Have a great week!
NOTE: Lecture Room 5
Sascha Hilgenfeldt, U. Twente
Bubble-driven streaming flows: From biomechanics to microfluidics
03/25 Igor Mezic, UC Santa Barbara
Uncertainty analysis: a dynamical systems perspective
Note: Wed 3pm
Franco Vivaldi,Mathematics, Queen Mary University of London
Are round-off errors random?
04/01 Peter Mucha, GT School of Mathematics
Statistics and Structure in Sedimentation

04/08 Hans E Johnston, Mathematics, U Michigen
Numerical Schemes for the Navier-Stokes Equations Based on Explicit Treatment of the Pressure
04/15 Vakhtang Poutkaradze, Univ. New Mexico
Braiding Patterns on an Inclined Plane
04/22 Andreas Wirzba, Helmholtz-Institut fuer Strahlen- und Kernphysik, University of Bonn .
A force from nothing onto nothing: Casimir effect between bubbles in the Fermi sea
04/29 EXAMS