Former faculty
Former Research Assocaites
- Thomas Bartsch, J. Ford Fellow
- Gregory A. Byrne, J. Ford Fellow
- Agapi Emmanouilidou,
J. Ford Fellow
- Marta C. Canadell
- Cristel Chandre,
J. Ford Fellow
- Mohammad Farazmand,
J. Ford Fellow
- Nicolas Garnier,
J. Ford Fellow
- Alejandro Garzon, visiting research associate Oct 2015-Apr 2016
John F. Gibson,
J. Ford Fellow
- Boris
offered J. Ford Fellow position starting Oct 2003: denied
visa by US State Department "for
insufficient bonds to Israel; visiting profesor Oct 2015-Dec 2016
- Jia Liu, Beihang University
- David
Kulp, Research
- Slaven Peles,
J. Ford Fellow
- Mason A. Porter,
Mathematics Institute and Somerville College, Oxford
- Will Ray
- Tatiana Savin,
J. Ford Fellow
- Mihajlo Vanević
- Luz Vianey
Vela-Arevalo, J. Ford
Fellow; Atlanta home
- Dmitri Vainchtein,
J. Ford Fellow
- Daniel Wójcik,
J. Ford Fellow
Former staff
Collaborators, friends and visitors
- Viviane Baladi
- Gregory S. Berns
- Tomas Bohr
- Henrik Bruus
- Andre de Carvalho
- Ned
Corron, U.S. Army RDECOM,
AMSRD-AMR-WS-ST - January 22, 2004
- Giampaolo
Cristadoro, University of Insubria, Como, Italy Burge Apts. # 87,
April 7 - May 9, 2003
- Ruslan L Davidchack,
University of Leicester, March 3-10 2007
- Carl P. Dettmann,
University of Bristol, - November 13 - December
22, 2003
- Haim Diamant
- Robert Dorfman, Institute
for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland - Oct. 15 - 17, 2003
- Clive Ellegaard
- Shmuel
Dept. of Physics, Technion, Jaifa, Israel
- Theo Geisel,
Director, Max-Planck-Institute fuer Stroemungsforschung - November 16 -
20, 2003
- Barbara Gentz, Visitor Feb 16 - March 30, 2010
- Jerry
P. Gollub, Haverford College, April 14, 2003
- Peter
Grassberger, Director, John von Neumann Institute for Computing,
Julich, invited Feb. 9 - Mar. 8, 2003; denied entry
by the USBISC officers, Atlanta,
shipped back to Europe twice,
in two
consecutive weekends, first time for showing both B-1/2 visa and an
unfilled J-1 form, second time because he was rejected the first time.
- Gemunu
Gunaratne, University of Houston, March 27, 2003
- Greg
Huber Univ. of Mass. at Boston
-November 13, 2003
- Felix
Izrailev, Instituto de Fisica, Univ. Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico
- Charles
M. Jaffe, West Virginia University
- January 20 - 23, 2004
- Chris Jarzynski,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, October 6 - 10, 2003
- Mogens H. Jensen
- Hans E
Mathematics, U Michigen
- arrive April 7 at 3:35pm, leave April 9, 2004
at 8:14pm
- Kresimir Josic,
University of Huston, Jan. 29-31, 2003; 15-16 March, 2004
- Jonathan
P. Keating
- Panayotis
University of Massachusetts, Amherst - 27-29
March, 2004
- Joceline
- Xavier Leoncini Aug 8 - Sep 7, 2008
- Ronnie Mainieri
- Boris Malomed,
Dept. of Interdisciplinary Studies, Tel Aviv University, April 17, 2003
- Francois Mauger,
Jun 14 - Sept 2, 2008;
Jul 31, 2012 - Oct 25, 2012
- Igor
Santa Barbara - March 24-25 2004
- Kevin Mitchell, Visitor Mar 1 - Mar 5, 2010
- Pierre
- Tom
Osborn, University of Manitoba, April 17, 2003
- Subbiah
Dept. of Physics, Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli,
Tamilnadu, India
- Arkady
- Harald
A. Posch, Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Vienna
- Thomas Prellberg,
Technische Universitat Clausthal, Germany, Feb. 12 - 15, 2003; Feb. 12,
- Vachtang
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (April
14 -16, 2004)
- Nikolai Rulkov,
Institute for Nonlinear Science, University of CA., San Diego, March
20, 2003
- Marcos
from Departamento de Fisica, Comision Nac. de Energia Atomica, Buenos
- Thomas
- Benjamin Shapiro.
Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland -
Feb 19, 2004
- Olivier
ENS-Cachan, - February 2 - March 5
- Niels
- Sara A. Solla
- Edward A. Spiegel,
Columbia University, J. Ford Lecturer, March 25-30 2007
- Todd Squires,
tsquires at
acm.caltech.edu , California Institute of Technology
- Gregor
- Gabor
- Divakar
Viswanath, University of
- Franco Vivaldi,
School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London
- 2004 Joseph Ford Lecturer - March 29 - April 2, 2004
- Jane Wang,
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, Oct. 1-3, 2003
- Edward White,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
- January 13 - 17, 2004
- Andreas
Wirzba - Aug 17-31, 2001;
April 18-25, 2004