Dynamics in Many Dimensions - GT IGERT '04 Proposal
CNS Proposal Internal Due Date
LaTeX Last modified Compiled Description
project.zip 10-Sep-2004 -- (SIMPLEST: download all source files) project.tex 10-Sep-2004 pdf ps LaTeX this one to compile the preproposal
summary.tex 10-Sep-2004 pdf ps (KW) uploaded separately to NSF vision.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (KW) faculty.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) research.tex 16-Sep-2004 -- (PC) chaos.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) spatial.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) bio.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) education.tex 15-Sep-2004 -- (RG) national.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) international.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) trainingParts.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) school.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) recruit.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) organization.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (PC) resources.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (PC) prior.tex 16-Sep-2004 -- (PC) support.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) budget.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS) budgetjust.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (RS)
NSF budget excell 16-Sep-2004 -- budget (MS) NSF budget pdf 16-Sep-2001 -- budget (MS) refs.tex 10-Sep-2004 -- (PC)
Synopsis of Program
Award Information
- Anticipated Funding Amount: $30,800,000
Up to $3.0 M per award over 5 years,
plus, for new awards, up to $200K additional in the first year for
appropriate purposes, and up to $200K total per award for projects that
include strongly integrated international research activities in years
2 - 5.
IGERT projects are expected to incorporate
and integrate the following features:
A comprehensive interdisciplinary theme,
appropriate for doctoral-level research, that serves as the foundation
for traineeship activities;
Integration of the interdisciplinary
research with innovative graduate education and training mechanisms,
curricula enhancement, and other educational features that foster
strong interactions among participating students and faculty;
An environment that exposes students to a
broad base of state-of-the-art research instruments and equipment and
educational tools and methodologies;
Career development opportunities, provision
for developing professional and personal skills, fostering an
international perspective, and instruction in ethics and the
responsible conduct of research;
Program strategy and plan for recruitment,
mentoring, retention, and graduation of U.S. graduate students,
including efforts aimed at members of groups underrepresented in
science and engineering;
Strategy and methodology for formative
assessments of the project’s effectiveness by individuals internal and
external to the institution and program improvements based on these
Administrative plan and organizational
structure that ensures effective management of the project resources;
Plan for dissemination of innovative
graduate education activities both within and outside the institution;
Institutional commitment to facilitating and
furthering the plans and goals of the IGERT project, to creating a
supportive environment for integrative research and education, and to
institutionalizing the successful elements of the project after NSF
funding ends.
No additional information may be provided
by links to web pages.
Cover Sheet: Select the IGERT program
solicitation number shown at the beginning of this
solicitation from the pull down menu, and then select IGERT Full
Proposal for the program unit from the ensuing screen. An informative
title for the proposed IGERT project, that begins with “IGERT: ”, must
be provided. Enter the related preproposal number in the appropriate
box. If international activities are proposed, the international
cooperative activities box should be checked and the countries involved
listed. You may list a starting date of July 1, 2005.
(A) Project Summary (1-page limit):
Provide a summary description of the IGERT project, including its
research theme and key education and training features, in a manner
that will be informative to a general technical audience. The
project summary must explicitly address both the intellectual merit and
the broader impacts of the proposed activity, or the proposal will be
returned without review. At the top of this page include the
title of the IGERT project, the name of the principal investigator, and
the lead institution. Also list any other participating
a. List of Participants (1-page limit):
Include departmental and institutional/organizational affiliation of
all faculty members and other senior personnel expected to have an
important role in the project.
b. Vision, Goals, and Thematic Basis:
Discuss the vision, goals, and broader impacts of the proposed IGERT
project. Describe the thematic basis and unifying aspects of the
interdisciplinary research and educational activities to be offered.
Include a discussion of what is currently missing from graduate
education and training or what could be done more effectively, and how
the proposed project will address these issues. Benefits to be realized
from opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration in research and
education should be emphasized. Summarize the value-added aspects of
the proposed project, and be specific about what is new and innovative.
Proposals should clearly articulate project objectives, planned
outcomes with respect to recruitment, retention, degree conferral, and
career placement of trainees; project monitoring guidelines; and how
outcomes will be measured. Proposals based on existing IGERT
projects must clearly indicate what improvements and innovations are
proposed for the renewal period, and the plans for evaluating the
impact of the project, documenting and disseminating to the appropriate
professional communities what was learned from the project, and
sustaining the essential elements of the project after NSF funding
d. Education and Training: Describe
the graduate education and training mechanisms that are central to the
IGERT project, the logic and evidence to support them, and how they are
to be integrated with the research and across the disciplines. Novel
aspects should be emphasized to enable assessment of the innovation and
potential impact. Specify faculty members and other participants with
primary responsibility for these integrative efforts. Describe
strategies for developing a community of students. Discuss plans for
providing career development opportunities, developing professional and
personal skills, fostering an international perspective and ability to
work in diverse teams, and integrating instruction in ethics and the
responsible conduct of research. If planned student training includes
internships, fieldwork, or other opportunities, domestic and foreign,
identify the potential mentors and discuss how the opportunity is
intended to strengthen both a student’s graduate experience and the
IGERT project. If proposed, discuss the benefits of international
research experiences (e.g. quality of research partners, development of
long-term international research partnerships, etc.). Supporting
letters from host organizations should document willingness to receive
students and the expected role of individual mentors. Show typical
student pathways through the program and the effect on expected time to
degree and career progression. The role of undergraduate, masters, and
postdoctoral components, if proposed, must also be described with
sufficient detail to clarify the benefit to the doctoral program and to
justify support through this type of award.
e. Organization, Management, and
Institutional Commitment: Describe plans and procedures for the
organization and management of the IGERT project. The plans should be
specific and include use of a formal mechanism that assures the fair
and effective allocation of IGERT resources and enables faculty
members, students, and others to interact effectively in furthering
project goals. Plans should include provision for an external advisory
body. Consider the institutional or departmental obstacles you foresee
in implementing your project, and how you plan to address them.
Describe the commitment of the institution at all appropriate
administrative levels to facilitating and furthering the plans and
goals of the IGERT project and to creating a supportive environment for
integrative research and education. A supporting letter of commitment
from the senior administration of the submitting institution must
accompany this proposal. Should a multi-institution project be
proposed, then provide a careful justification that considers the
administrative complexity and the expected benefits to student
experiences. Discuss the role of any other academic institutions or
organizations such as industry, government, non-U.S. institutions, or
private foundations that are expected to participate in the IGERT
project. Describe the nature and extent of connections with existing
NSF multidisciplinary and industry-related programs such as the Science
and Technology Centers (www.nsf.gov/od/oia/programs/stc/about.htm),
Engineering Research Centers (www.eng.nsf.gov/eec/erc.htm),
Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (www.nsf.gov/mps/divisions/dmr/aboutic_current_res.htm),
and Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (www.nsf.gov/home/crssprgm/goali/start.htm
). Discuss plans for sustaining the key features of the IGERT
project after NSF funding is completed. For renewal proposals,
discuss the plan for how successful elements of the project
will be sustained after NSF funding ceases.
f. Performance Assessment: Describe a
performance plan and methodology that relates the goals of the IGERT
project, as it impacts students, faculty, and institution, to
indicators and specific measurements for formative assessment of
progress towards goal achievement. The assessment should involve
evaluators internal and external to the institution who can render an
objective evaluation and whose expertise spans the education and
research objectives of the IGERT project. Describe how the
results of the assessment will be applied to modify the project.
g. Recruitment, Mentoring, and Retention:
Describe plans for recruitment, mentoring, and retention of U.S.
graduate students, including specific provisions, beyond the norm,
aimed at members of groups underrepresented in science and engineering.
Discuss how new students will be staged into the program, the duration
and level of their support with IGERT funds, and provisions for
continued support through the completion of degree. IGERT support for
two years (24 months) of full participation is strongly
recommended. Alternative plans for student support must be justified in
the proposal. Describe the diversity makeup of faculty
participating in the IGERT project. If applicable, discuss how
undergraduate student participation will be used to further the goals
of attracting and graduating members of underrepresented groups.
Describe the nature and extent of connections with
recruitment, retention, and professional development programs available
at the institution, particularly those supported by NSF, such as
Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professional (www.ehr.nsf.gov/EHR/HRD/agep.asp),
Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (www.ehr.nsf.gov/EHR/HRD/amp.asp),
Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (www.ehr.nsf.gov/EHR/HRD/tcup.asp),
Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Undergraduate Program (www.ehr.nsf.gov/EHR/HRD/hbcu.asp),
and the Centers for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (www.ehr.nsf.gov/EHR/HRD/crest.asp
). Specify the Ph.D. programs in which the IGERT graduate
students may enroll.
h. Recent Traineeship Experience and
Results from Prior NSF Support (if applicable; up to 5 pages,
within the 25-page limit for project description): Describe your
experience with and outcomes of any related graduate traineeship
project, including IGERT projects, during the past five years. In this
description, address in a comparative manner not only the outcomes of
the prior project, including failures and proposed remedies, but also
the differences and value-added aspects of the proposed IGERT project.
Value-added aspects may include: new areas of research; new educational
paradigms for students, faculty, and institution; sustainable vertical
and lateral impact on faculty, institution, and even outside your
institution; and recruitment, mentoring, retention, and career paths of
U.S. graduate students, with special emphasis on those from
underrepresented groups.
i. International Collaboration
(for applicants requesting additional funds of up to a total of
$200,000 per award; 2-page limit): Describe the procedures and
arrangements for selecting, preparing, and sending IGERT students to
foreign sites for research and education collaboration, including how
their activities abroad will be integrated into and benefit the overall
IGERT program. Discuss how specific projects will be determined for
individual students and how effective mentoring will be ensured in the
foreign host institutions. Address the practical aspects of sending
U.S. students abroad, including logistical arrangements, language and
cultural issues, supervision abroad to ensure the student’s welfare,
and administrative requirements.
(D) References Cited (3-page limit)
(F) Budget and Allowable Costs:
Provide a FastLane budget for each year of support requested, not to
exceed $600,000 per year for 5 years, with the following two
exceptions: (1) for new awards, the first-year budget may include
up to an additional $200,000 as a special allocation for purposes
discussed below, and (2) if proposed for either new or renewal awards,
proposers may incorporate in Years 2 through 5 a budget for
international collaborative activities not to exceed a total of
$200,000 per award. The FastLane system will automatically
fill out the cumulative 5-year budget for the proposal. Awarded
funds not expended in the specific year requested may be carried
over ONLY with appropriate justification provided in the annual
report to NSF and with the approval of the cognizant program officer.
The major portion of funds must be used for doctoral student stipends
and educational and training activities. A limited amount of
funds may be budgeted for necessary administrative support, support of
short-term visitors, and to partially defray the costs of research and
publication by students. No funds for faculty research or salaries will
be provided, with the following exceptions: (a) one month per year of
salary support for the Principal Investigator for management purposes;
(b) up to 4 months total of faculty salary support for development of
IGERT curricula. The faculty salary support for development of
curricula should be requested from within the first-year special
allocation; however, its expenditure may be extended over the first two
years of IGERT project activity.
Additional funds requested for
international activities should be appropriate to enable the
unique benefits expected for the IGERT graduate students and the IGERT
project. The primary support is intended for graduate students through
internships (university, government, industry), collaborative research
and/or fieldwork with foreign collaborators, or in other settings
abroad appropriate to the research area. The stays should be of
sufficient duration to acculturate the student and provide a meaningful
research and education experience. Limited funds may also be used for
student preparation, administration of the international activities,
and faculty visits to foreign sites for research coordination and
developing communication linkages between institutions. Requests for
travel funds for the sole purpose of attending international
conferences or workshops are not appropriate. Reciprocal visits by
foreign researchers and students to the U.S. institutions are
encouraged, although NSF funds will normally not be used for such
visits. Proposers should consult the Social, Behavioral &
Economic Sciences/Office of International Science and Engineering
member of the IGERT Coordinating Committee, listed in Section VIII,
The NSF contribution to graduate student
stipends is currently $30,000 per year per IGERT trainee for
a 12 month appointment, and budgeting for stipends should be made on
this basis for each year of the award. All IGERT-supported
students are expected to be full-time IGERT trainees. IGERT
support for 2 years (24 months per student) is strongly
recommended. Alternative plans for graduate student support must
be justified in the proposal. NSF also provides a cost-of-education
allowance for tuition, health insurance, and normal fees of $10,500 per
year per student (for 12 months.) If this allowance is not fully
required, then it may be used to support other IGERT student-related
activities. Funds requested for graduate student trainees should be
entered in line F: Participant Support, as stipends (F.1), travel
(F.2), and cost of education (F.4). The number of trainees anticipated,
along with the duration of the appointment, should be listed and
consistent with the requested stipend funds. Undergraduate student
stipends should be consistent with those of the NSF Research
Experiences for Undergraduates program, and postdoctoral stipends may
be determined by the institution. If applicable, these costs should be
listed separately on line G.6. (Other) and described in the budget
justification. At most two half-time postdoctoral positions may be
supported with IGERT funds. All stipend recipients must be citizens or
permanent residents of the U.S., its territories or its
possessions. (NOTE: Entering stipends on Line G6 on the proposal
budget is in variance with Chapter II.C.2.g.v. of the Grant Proposal
Guide. It states that Line F on the proposal budget should be used for
costs of transportation, per diem, stipends and other related costs for
participants or trainees.)
Purchase of shared research equipment,
special-purpose research materials, software and databases that
cost $5,000 or more per item may be requested within the
first-year special allocation, and should be listed under
Equipment on line D. Any of those items that cost less
than $5,000 per item should be listed under Materials and Supplies on
line G1. Personnel and shop costs for developing and constructing
special instruments may be requested within the regular yearly budget.
Funds for facility renovation or for equipment installation or
maintenance are not allowed. Awards will carry an 8% allowance for
indirect costs based on the total direct cost, excluding equipment and
cost-of-education allowances, but not excluding participant
support. This is in variance with Chapter II.C.2.g.v. of
the Grant Proposal Guide.
For multi-institution projects, the lead
institution shall submit the proposal, with other participating
institutions included under subawards. Budgets shall be provided for
the overall project as well as individually for the lead institution
and for each participating institution/organization that receives a
Budget Justification (3-page limit):
Provide a justification for the funds requested for the overall project
in each budget category of Section (F) and line G.6. Describe the
proposed allocation of funds in the major budget categories with
sufficient clarity to show how resources will be utilized in carrying
out the planned IGERT project activities. Indicate the total number of
graduate students to be supported and the staging and duration and FTE
level of their support on IGERT funds. If the first-year special
allocation of funds for new awards is requested, describe in a separate
table how the funds are to be used. If additional funds are requested
for international activities, describe in a separate table the
requested amount and allocations over the project duration, beginning
with Year 2 of the award. Provide details of anticipated resource
commitments of any other organizations expected to participate in the
IGERT project, such as government, industry, non-U.S. institutions, or
private foundations. Appropriate letters of commitment from
participating organizations should be included in Supplementary
Documentation (below). Cost sharing is not required
under this solicitation. Any information provided here and in similar
places in this solicitation will not be auditable as cost sharing.
(G) Facilities, Equipment and Other
Resources (1-page limit): Provide a description of facilities and
major instruments that are available to the project and require no
additional support from NSF.
(H) Supplementary Documentation: Up
to eight supporting letters, including one that must be from the
senior administration of the submitting institution, may be
provided as part of the proposal, with up to four additional letters
when international activities are proposed. Letters of endorsement from
foreign counterparts should discuss the benefits and foreign commitment
to the project.
Proposers are reminded to identify the program
announcement/solicitation number (04-550) in the program
announcement/solicitation block on the proposal Cover Sheet. Compliance
with this requirement is critical to determining the relevant proposal
processing guidelines. Failure to submit this information may delay
B. Budgetary Information
Cost Sharing:
Cost sharing is not required in proposals submitted under this
Program Solicitation.
Indirect Cost (F&A) Limitations:
Other Budgetary Limitations:
NSF invites the proposer to suggest, at the time of
submission, the names of appropriate or inappropriate reviewers. Care
is taken to ensure that reviewers have no conflicts with the proposer.
Special efforts are made to recruit reviewers from non-academic
institutions, minority-serving institutions, or adjacent disciplines to
that principally addressed in the proposal.
What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity?
How important is the proposed activity to advancing knowledge and
understanding within its own field or across different fields? How well
qualified is the proposer (individual or team) to conduct the project?
(If appropriate, the reviewer will comment on the quality of the prior
work.) To what extent does the proposed activity suggest and explore
creative and original concepts? How well conceived and organized is the
proposed activity? Is there sufficient access to resources?
What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity?
How well does the activity advance discovery and understanding while
promoting teaching, training, and learning? How well does the proposed
activity broaden the participation of underrepresented groups (e.g.,
gender, ethnicity, disability, geographic, etc.)? To what extent will
it enhance the infrastructure for research and education, such as
facilities, instrumentation, networks, and partnerships? Will the
results be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific and technological
understanding? What may be the benefits of the proposed activity to
NSF staff will give careful consideration to the following in
making funding decisions:
Integration of Research and Education
One of the principal strategies in support of NSF's goals is to foster
integration of research and education through the programs, projects,
and activities it supports at academic and research institutions. These
institutions provide abundant opportunities where individuals may
concurrently assume responsibilities as researchers, educators, and
students and where all can engage in joint efforts that infuse
education with the excitement of discovery and enrich research through
the diversity of learning perspectives.
Integrating Diversity into NSF Programs, Projects, and
Broadening opportunities and enabling the participation of all citizens
-- women and men, underrepresented minorities, and persons with
disabilities -- is essential to the health and vitality of science and
engineering. NSF is committed to this principle of diversity and deems
it central to the programs, projects, and activities it considers and
Additional Review Criteria:
In responding to the standard NSF
review criteria, reviewers will be asked to place emphasis on the
following additional criteria in furthering IGERT program objectives:
Integration and coherence of the
interdisciplinary theme in its effectiveness as an intellectual focus
for all participating scientists, engineers, and educators;
Quality of the proposed research efforts,
and their appropriateness to the interdisciplinary theme;
Quality and innovation in the planned
graduate education and training mechanisms, and in their integration
with the research;
Quality of outcomes of prior IGERT
project, value-added aspects of new IGERT project, and potential for
adding to the knowledge base in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics) graduate education, if applicable;
Effectiveness of career development
opportunities, provision for developing professional and personal
skills, fostering an international perspective and ability to work in
diverse teams, and instruction in ethics and the responsible conduct of
Effectiveness of the strategy for
recruitment, mentoring, retention, degree completion, and career
progression of U.S. graduate students, including those from groups
underrepresented in science and engineering;
Quality of the international collaborative
activities and benefits to the U.S. participants, if proposed;
Appropriateness of the plans for
assessment of project performance in meeting objectives and expanding
the knowledge base in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics) graduate education and disseminating results to
appropriate professional communities;
Appropriateness of the administrative plan
and organizational structure in assuring effective allocation of
project resources and participation by project members;
Appropriateness of the budget; and
Commitment of the institution to
facilitating and furthering the plans and goals of the IGERT project,
to creating a supportive environment for integrative research and
education, and to sustaining the successful elements of the project
after NSF funding ceases.