Dr. Cvitanovic: The NSF Physics Frontiers Centers (PFCs) program supports university-based centers and large groups in cases where this mode of research is required to make transformational advances in the most promising research areas. Proposals will be considered in areas within the purview of the Division of Physics, broadly interpreted, e.g., atomic, molecular, optical, plasma, elementary particle, nuclear, astro-, gravitational, interdisciplinary, and emerging areas of physics. Interdisciplinary physics is taken here to mean research at the interface between physics and other disciplines, e.g., biophysics, quantum information science, mathematical physics. The purpose of the PFC program is to enable major advances at the intellectual frontiers of physics by providing needed resources not usually available to individual investigators or small groups. (Program solicitation can be found at http://www.nsf.gov/cgi-bin/getpub?nsf01112.) Since this program solicitation places a limit of two pre-proposals from any one institution, pre-proposals need to be submitted to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research in order to select the two Georgia Tech pre-proposals. Please submit your pre-proposal to my assistant, Kathy Mims (kathy.mims@carnegie.gatech.edu), by Wednesday, July 11, 2001. Please pass this along to the appropriate people within your respective units. We look forward to receiving your NSF PFC pre-proposals. Charles L. Liotta Vice Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies add Mary R. Melaugh