CHAOS, AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT ----------------------------------------------------------- Georgia Tech PHYS 7123 Fall semester 2001 Predrag Cvitanovic' Lecture 4: 11:05-12:25 Tue Aug 28 2001 in Howey S104 Trajectories ------------ We start out by a recapitulation of the basic notions of dynamics. Our aim is narrow; keep the exposition focused on prerequsites to the applications to be developed in this text. I assume that you are familiar with the dynamics on the level of introductory texts such as Strogatz, and concentrate here on developing intuition about what a dynamical system can do. It will be a coarse brush sketch - the full description of all possible behaviors of dynamical systems is anyway beyond human ken. Reading: -------- Classical and Quantum Chaos --- chapter 2 (do not print out a hard copy just yet) Exercises: ---------- (use web version of Aug 30, not the older ones) The object is to get used to using numerical techniques to explore dynamical systems: 2.4) Runge-Kutta or any other integration 2.5) Rossler system (if Poincare map too hard, postpone that part) then, either (easy): 2.12) How unstable is the H\'enon attractor? or (will need this later anyway): 2.13) A pinball simulator due Thu Sept 6 at 12:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lecture 5: 11:05-12:25 Thu, Aug 30 in Howey S104 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Predrag Cvitanovic' 404/385-2502 office, Howey W501A 404/881-6006 home