The course plan March 23rd - the remainder of
the semester.
- The livestreamed online lectures (you can ask questions live) will be given
Tue, Thu 12:00-13:15 via Bluejeans Events app, link in Canvas [Announcements],
and recorded and saved, together with the lecture notes, either in Canvas [Media Gallery], or linked to the course schedule
- For the up-to-date course schedule, check We will use Bluejeans Events for lectures (dowload from
If you are unable to join the livestreamed class, you can watch the recordings, but forgo the
opportunity to ask questions
- See the up-to-date course schedule at for due dates.
- Complete your homework assignments on paper, then scan your
work to a single pdf file (we cannot grade multiple image files or
other formats). Or generate the homework as a pdf from any other format.
- Make sure your pdf is clear and readable. Any smartphone app should be OK – we have tried Scanner Pro on iOS, Top Scanner on Android
- Upload the homework to Canvas [Assignments]
- Homeworks will be graded online, with the score, grader’s comments posted in Canvas
Office Hours
- Tue, Thu 13:30-14:45 via Bluejeans Meetings app - please check Canvas [Announcements] for the link
In these trying times, please do not hesitate to contact the instructors about matters personal or course-related - contact us by email to suggest
any other time to meet online
Final Exam
- We will not have Test 3; instead you will receive as the
Test 3 score the best of your (percentage) scores for Tests 1-2 and
the Final Exam. Material covered after Test 2 will be covered by the Final Exam
- The Final Exam is open book. You may use any
printed/written materials as on our regular tests.
Interaction/collaboration with anyone else during the test is an Honor
Code violation.
- Final Exams will be administered at the scheduled times (different for different sections). You need clear paper and a pen.
- Log into both Canvas AND Bluejeans Meeting (the link will be provided in Canvas [Announcements]) and remain logged in during the whole test, with laptop or smartphone
camera open and pointed at you and your work area. Ask the instructor
questions in the chat.
- On Canvas [Assignments] tab you will find the test
(eg. “Final Exam”). Open the pdf file; you do not need to print it.
Write your solutions on paper.
- Once done, scan your solutions and
upload them to Canvas [Assignment]. Only single multipage
pdf files will be accepted (the same as for the homework pdf scans). 15 minutes will be added to the posted Final Exam time to accommodate
scanning and uploading.
- Final Exam will be graded online – you will see your graded test and your score in Canvas.