10346 Continuum Physics
Danish title: Kontinuumsfysik
Language:  English    ECTS-creditpoints:   5, Internal examination.   

Recommended semester:  7th - 9th semester
Scope and form:  Lectures
Previous course:  10401
Preferred prerequisites:   10340
Aim:  The aim of the course is to give the student a basic understanding of the classical physics of spatially extended media consisting of solid materials, liquids and gasses. The course can be regarded as a natural extension of classical mechanics (including thremodynamics / statistical mechanics) or be the basis for more specialized studies in elasticity, hydrodynamics and the physics of fluids, such as superfluids.
Contents:  On the basis of classical mechanics and thermodynamics the equations describing the macroscopic motion of deformable solids and fluids. Introduction of fields, especially the gravitational fields and pressure. Hydrostatics. Strain and stress in elastic media. Sound waves. Ideal, incompressible fluid motion (The Euler equations). Viscosity and its microscopic origin. The Boltzmann equation. The Navier-Stokes equations. Potential flow. Boundary layers. Surface waves. Vortices. Instabilities in flows. Turbulence and Lagrangian chaos. Superfluid flow.
Contact:   Tomas Bohr , building 309, (+45) 4525 3310, tomas.bohr@fysik.dtu.dk
Department:  010 Department of Physics
Course URL:   http://info.fys.dtu.dk/~tbohr/10401/continuum.html
Keywords:  Hydrostatics, Elasticity, Hydrodynamics, Potential flow, Vortices
Updated:  24-04-2002



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