CHAOS, AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT ----------------------------------------------------------- Georgia Tech PHYS 7123 Fall semester 2003 Predrag Cvitanovic' Transporting densities Homework Assignment #4 ---------------------- Due: Thursday, 11 September all from the webbook: Computational: exercise 5.1: Pinball simulator exercise 5.2: Pinball fractal repeller (play with for inspiration) Pen and Paper: exercise 7.1: Integrating over Dirac delta functions. exercise 7.2 (optional): Derivatives of Dirac delta functions. exercise 7.3: L^t generates a semigroup. exercise 7.5 (optional): Invariant measure. exercise 7.7: Eigenvalues of a Perron-Frobenious operator exercise 7.11: Translation operator What are these "optional" exercises?