Field Theory Georgia Tech PHYS-7147 spring 2005 Tue, Thu 12:05-13:25 Howey S107 Homework Assignment #10 ----------------------- due Thu, Apr 14 Anomalous Electron Magnetic Moment ---------------------------------- Reading: A. Zee: "Electron Magnetic Moment", excerpt on (click on Field Theory link) Srednicki part III: 63: The Vertex Function in Quantum Electrodynamics 64: The Magnetic Moment of the Electron Exercise: Consider Srednicki chapter 64, eq (264) describing the coupling of an electron to a magnetic field. Repeat the calculation of chapter 64 with an electron wave function having j_z units of orbital angular momentum about the z-axis. If you work this problem using the vector potential A = 1/2 (By,Bx,0) (instead of the gauge used in Ch. 64), you should not need the explicit form of f(p). Instead you only need to know that f(p) has j_z units of angular momentum about the z-axis. Bonus points: Note any differences between the way a unit of spin angular momentum (s_z) and a unit of orbital angular momentum (j_z) couple to the magnetic field. Optional reading: Srednicki part III: 57: The Path Integral for Photons 58: The Feynman Rules for Quantum Electrodynamics 59: Tree-Level Scattering in QED 62: Loop Corrections in Quantum Electrodynamics -------------------------------------------------------