Sara A. Solla - Recent preprints
Exact Solution for On-Line Learning in Multilayer Neural Networks ,
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4337-4340 (1995) - (105 kB)
On-Line Learning in Soft Committee Machines ,
- Phys. Rev. E 52, 4225-4243 (1995) -
(326 kB)
- C. Marangi, M. Biehl, S.A. Solla
- Supervised learning from clustered input examples
- Europhys. Lett. 30 (1995) 117.
- P. Riegler,
M. Biehl, S.A. Solla, C. Marangi
On-line learning from clustered input examples,
- Proceedings of the VII Italian workshop on neural nets, World Scientific (1995), in press
- Ref: WUE-ITP-95-013
- C. Marangi, S.A. Solla, M. Biehl, P. Riegler
Off-line supervised learning from clustered input examples,
- Proceedings of the VII Italian workshop on neural nets, World Scientific (1995), in press
- Ref: WUE-ITP-95-014