- Y. Lan and I. Mezic,``The anatomy of an NFkB regulation network through
graph decomposition and dynamical systems analysis'', to be submitted
- Y. Lan and G. A. Papoian,``A hybrid scheme for fast determination
of stochastic resonance signaling in enzymatic networks'', to be submitted
- Y. Lan and Y. C. Li, `` Chaotic
Spin Dynamics of a Long Nanomagnet Driven by a Current '', submitted
- Y. Lan, T. C. Elston and G. A. Papoian, `` Elimination of fast variables
in chemical Langevin equations'', J. Chem. Phys., in press(2008).
- Y. Lan and P. Cvitanovic, `` Unstable
recurrent patterns in Kuramoto-Sivashinsky dynamics '', Phys.
Rev. E 78, 026208(2008).
- Y. Lan and Y. C. Li, ``On
the dynamics of Navier-Stokes and Euler equations'', J. Stat.
Phys. 132, 35-76(2008).
- Y. Lan and G. A. Papoian, `` The Stochastic Dynamics of Filopodial
Growth'', Biophys. J. 94, 3839(2008).
- Y. Lan and G. A. Papoian, `` Evolution of complex probability distributions
in enzyme cascades'', J. Theor. Biol. 248, 537(2007).
- Y. Lan and G. A. Papoian, `` Stochastic resonant signaling in enzyme
cascades'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 228301(2007). Selected to
The Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.
- Y. Lan, C. Chandre and P. Cvitanovic,`` Newton's
descent method for the determination of invariant tori'', Phys.
Rev. E 74, 046206(2006) [nlin.CD/0508026].
- Y. Lan, P. Wolynes, and G. A. Papoian , `` A
variational approach to the stochastic aspects of cellular signal transduction'',
J. Chem. Phys. 125, 124106(2006). Selected to The Virtual
Journal of Biological Physics Research.
- Y. Lan and G. A. Papoian, `` The
interplay between discrete noise and nonlinear chemical kinetics in
a signal amplification cascade'', J. Chem. Phys. 125, 154901(2006).
- S. Garoufalidis, Y. Lan, `` Experimental
evidence for the Volume Conjecture for the simplest hyperbolic non-2-bridge
knot'', Algebr. Geom. Topol. 5(17), 379(2005).
- Y. Lan, N. Garnier and P. Cvitanovic, ``Stationary
modulated-amplitude waves in the 1D complex Ginzburg-Landau equation'',
Physica D 188, 193-212(2004).
- Y. Lan and P. Cvitanovic, ``Variational
method for finding periodic orbits in a general flow'', Phys.
Rev. E 69, 016217(2004).
- E. Shchekinova, C. Chandre, Y. Lan and T. Uzer, `` Analyzing intramolecular
dynamics by fast Lyapunov indicators'',
J. Chem. Phys. 121, 3471(2004).
- Y. Lan and M. Y. Yu, ``Periodic structures on plasma surface'', Phys.
Plasmas 11(8), 4146-4147(2004).
1. P. Cvitanovic and Y. Lan,``Turbulent
fields and their recurrences'', in Proceed. of 10. Intern. Workshop
on Multiparticle
Production: Correlations and Fluctuations in QCD, N.~Antoniou, ed. (World
Scientific, Singapore 2003).
Ph.D. Thesis
systems approach to 1-d spatiotemporal chaos -- A cyclist's view
Conferences/Invited talks
The Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy
of Science, Beijing, Jan 2008.
Talk:``Graph theoretic and dynamical systems analysis on a gene regulation
network for complexity reduction''.
Peking University, Beijing, Dec 2007.
Talk:`` Wielding noise in signal transduction networks''.
APS March Meeting, Denver, Mar 2007.
Talk:``Stochastic modeling of filopodial growth''.
Dynamics Days, Boston, Jan 2007.
Poster:``Stochastic resonant signaling in cell enzymatic cascades''.
University of Missouri, Missouri, Aug 2006.
Talk:``A variational approach to noisy signal transduction''.
Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, Dec 2005.
Talk:``Managing noisy signal transduction''.
University of Missouri, Missouri, Sep 2005.
Talk:``Spatiotemporal dynamics and invariant structures''.
The Fall Western Section Meeting of the American
Mathematical Society, New Mexico, Oct 2004.
Talk: ``Spatiotemporal recurrent patterns in the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky
Los Alamos National Lab, New Mexico, Feb 2004.
Talk: ``Periodic orbits, variational method and spatiotemporal dynamics''.
Dynamics Days, North Carolina, Jan 2004.
Oral Presentation: ``Coherent structures in 1-d spatiotemporal chaos''.
International Conference on Pattern Formation and
Self-Organization in Nonlinear Complex Systems,Beijing, June 2001.
Poster: ``Stability of patterns in a modified CGLe''.