Nonlinear Sciences

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School of Physics

Colloquia & Seminars » Nonlinear Sciences


Nonlinear Sciences

Each semester, the School of Physics invites a variety of speakers to come share their exciting research with students and faculty at Georgia Tech. All students and faculty are invited.
----ALL LECTURES Thursday at 11:00 am in Conference Room N110 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.
If you have questions or seminar suggestions, please contact: Roman Grigoriev. To set up an appointment with a speaker, contact Tzatzilha Torres

Fall 2006 Schedule

Date Topic
8/07 Marc Auditorium at 1:00pm
Peter Vukusic,
School of Physics, University of Exeter
Evolutionary: new designs inspiration from natural systems
08/21 First Day of Fall 2006 Classes
08/24 Howard Weiss, Mathematics, Georgia Tech
Density Dependent, Age Structured Population Models

09/04 Official School Holiday
09/28 Michael Marder, The University of Texas at Austin
Shock wave theory for rupture of rubber

10/02 Marc Auditorium at 3:00 pm Robert C. Michelson, Georgia Tech Research Institute Biological Inspired Air Vehicle Design Principales
Schedule      Journal
10/16-17 Fall 2006 Recess Break
10/30 Marc Auditorium at 3:00 pm Frank Fish,West Chester University
Enhanced swimming performance by flow control in marine mammals

11/06 IBB Suddath Room 1128 1:30 pm
Douglas Fudge, University of Guelph
Inspiring slimes: What hagfish slime can tell us about predator defense, the cytoskeleton, and high-performance
protein fibers


11/23 TBA
11/23-24 Official School Holiday
11/30 TBA

12/07 TBA
12/08 Last Day of Classes
12/11-15 Final Exmas
12/14 Hie Tae Moon, Korea Advanced Institute of Scince and Technology
"Nonequilibrium Process in Pattern Selection"

12/16 End of Fall 2006

01/08 Classes Begin Spring Term 2007

Phone: (404) 894-5201 Fax: (404) 894-9958
Address: 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA 30332-0430
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