Mathematical Methods of Physics I
PHYS 6124
Fall Semester 2019
August 19, 21, 23
week 1 Linear algebra
Lecture notes and problem set #1 (version of Sept. 4, due Monday, August 26)
August 26, 28, 30
week 2 Eigenvalue problems
Lecture notes and problem set #2 (version of Sept. 4, due Wed, September 4)
September 4, 6
week 3 Go with the flow
Lecture notes and problem set #3 (due Monday, September 9)
September 9, 11, 13
week 4 Complex differentation
Lecture notes and problem set #4 (version of Sept. 22; due Monday, September 16)
Compulsory reading:- (translation)
September 16, 18, 20
week 5 Complex integration
Lecture notes and problem set #5 (version of Sept. 22, due Monday, Sept. 23)
September 23, 25, 27
week 6 Cauchy - applications
Lecture notes and problem set #6 (version of Sept. 25, due Monday, Sept. 30)
September 30, October 2, 4
week 7 Steepest descent
Lecture notes and problem set #7 (version of October 6, due Monday, October 7)
October 7, 9, 11
week 8 Discrete Fourier transform
Lecture notes and problem set #8 (version of October 11, due Wednesday, October 16)
October 14-15
Mid-term recess
October 16, 18
week 9 Fourier Transform
Lecture notes and problem set #9 (version of Oct. 17, due Monday, Oct. 21)
October 21, 23, 25
week 10 Finite groups
Lecture notes and problem set #10 (version of Oct. 23, due Monday, Oct. 28)
October 28, 30, November 1
week 11 Continuous groups
Reading: Lecture notes and problem set #11 (version of Oct. 29, due Monday, Nov. 4)
November 4, 6, 8
week 12 SO(3) and SU(3)
Reading: Lecture notes and problem set #12 (version of Nov. 11, due Monday, Nov. 11)
November 11, 13, 15
week 13 Probability
Lecture notes and problem set #13 (version of Nov. 15, due Monday, Nov. 18)
November 18, 20, 22 Lecturer I. Taboada
week 14 Data and statistics
Reading: Lecture notes and problem set #14 (due Monday, Nov. 25)
So much mathematical physics, so little time...
What an experimentalist must know: I. Taboada's Math Methods for Experimental Particle Astrophysics
November 25 Lecturer S.A. Solla
week 15 (Non)linear dimensionality reduction
Reading: Lecture notes and problem set #15 (version of Dec.2, due Monday, Dec. 2)
November 27-29
December 2
week 16 Calculus of variations
Reading: Lecture notes #16; no problem set (version of Dec. 2)
Course notes
All lecture notes in one file (version of Nov. 24, 2019)
Course Instructor Opinion Survey
Please fill out the online Course Survey. This is your real opportunity to provide feedback regarding the contents of the course, the style and quality of the presentation, or any other subject related to the course. Tell us what you liked and what you did not like. Your input is very valuable and will benefit students taking this course in subsequent years.